A Cavallo Carousel

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A Cavallo, the Carousel, is returning to
Black Rock City. In August, 2012, this mutant vehicle – a Coney
Island pirate ship with steel horses galloping, a stage on the back, and
shooting musical fire up above – will roam the playa looking for the one last
horse, celebrating life, art and performance along the way.

An interactive, not-for-profit art experience, A Cavallo brings a unique gift to the playa, above and beyond the band of horses - its a roving, powered stage for circus performers, musicians, fire artists, DJ’s, aerialists, and others who want to share their talents with the citizens of Black Rock City. After Burning Man, The Carousel will roam – bringing art to communities around the country.

We are looking to raise $6,000 by July 16th. Help us make this crazy mirage appear again, and roam the earth evermore!

What is it?

The carousel is a rolling, transformative metal ship.  We’re remixing the materials, parts and pieces of the original carousel into a new, infinitely more flexible version, designed for ease of transport and setup, enabling it to play events and parades the world over. 

Burning man!Burning man!

It folds up and travels as a gooseneck trailer, and then unfolds to be a self-propelled metal ship from another world, a vision from a post-apocalyptic paradise. It can play at multiple heights – 13’-0" for parades, 40’-" for Burning Man, and anywhere in between – it’s adustable. It’ll also break down and fit in a container, to be shipped across the oceans. 

There are four ‘carouseling’ horses, which are driven by large cranks on recycled automotive differentials.  There’s another horse up at the very front, which is mounted on a springy stand, for transcendental rides, floating up at the front of the big pirate ship.  The horses are sturdy, beautiful, and incredibly durable.  You can ride them, stand on them, dance on them.  They’re lifesize, made of faceted sheet steel.

Ridin alongRidin along

At the other end, the back, there is a stage, with full sound gear for live bands.  We’ll also support DJs, and other performers, bringing the magic of mobilized live performance.

Playin for the peoplePlayin for the people

It drives itself along with a conventional automtive drivetrain, with one speed forward.  It steers with the large wheels fore and aft.

In Burning Man trim, it’ll have two flame poofin’ steamwhistles atop each horse pole.  The poofer-whistles are controlled by reins, down below.  It’ll be fun, that’s for sure.

You can read more about the project at www.acavallo.org.

Where does the money go?

We have a lot of materials and pieces from the original carousel, which was a huge investment in metal and fabrication.  This version is laid out to make maximum use of the pre-existing trusses, frames, wood, horses, and horse-drive mechanisms, plus the big bouncy wheels and steering apparatus. 

A pile o' partsA pile o’ parts

The new stuff all costs money:

Acavallo 2012 BUDGET


Trailer Gear, Metal for Trusses
Driveline and Motor
Sound System
Lighting and Electrics
Fire System
Burning Man
Shop Rent and supplies
Shipping container of parts to WA from NY

We’ve raised some money through parties we threw in Brooklyn (you should really come to one someday, they’re amazing), enough to get the project going.  We’ve got the parts shipped out, and are buying the trailer and metal to start the fabrication.  We are hoping to raise the money here to finish the project out in style, to buy lights, sound gear, speakers, a good generator, sweet flame effects, and bring it all to the playa.  After that, it’ll tour the world.


Because we can, because we want to, because it feels good to share.

For more, go to www.acavallo.org, and thank you!

